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Top 10 Tips For All Indians Before Travelling To Pattaya, Thailand

When I first visited Pattaya, I was astounded by the attitude and behaviour of the local Indian population. I felt quite uneasy about going to any club since, as many say, Indians aren’t allowed. Even though I went into nearly every pub that explicitly forbids Indians, I never encountered a single bigot. I went to a particularly racist club on Walking Street—I won’t say which one—and ended up making friends with the bouncers and a few other patrons. It was then that it hit me: the only way Thais can be racist is if you act badly. I had a great time travelling, and I made a lot of new friends. Beautifully had alcohol at class clubs, danced, and did all the things a Firang does. If you are an honest Indian and would like to visit Pattaya without encountering any bigotry or prejudice, then this post is for you.

This article is mainly for North Indians mainly, Punjabi, Bihari, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and other North Indian States.

Keep Yourself Spotless

Because Thais hold Indians in such low esteem for cleanliness, they advise their visitors to do the same. Whenever you feel the need, go ahead and purchase a Deo. Always maintain a fresh appearance and a pleasant aroma. Going to any BJ bars? Be extra careful with your willy.

Act Raresting

Just like the Thai people, you should be polite, quiet, and respectful. When you’re out and about, especially in public places like pubs, act classily. Your behaviour in India is unacceptable. Keep in mind that you are in Pattaya, not India. There are a lot of rude North Indians in Pattaya; I implore you all.

Be Quiet.

Kindness and smiling go a long way with Thai people; they are gentle and friendly. Avoid using profanity or raising your voice; sadly, many Thai are able to understand you. Outrageous and unneeded profanity, such as “chutya” or “mother chd,” is never acceptable. You are not in India; so, you should act appropriately in public. From my experience, I can say that many North Indians and other Indians tend to talk loudly in public and use profanity. I have also witnessed Thai people directly glaring at these people.

Show Kindness

The Thai people are known for their generosity, so it’s only fair that you return the favour. Thanks to people’s generosity, I enjoyed a couple of fantastic experiences. I spotted an elderly beggar squatting in the scorching Bangkok sun for the first time and decided to give him 10 baht before I continued on my way. A passerby noticed me, grinned, and bowed; yet, I am unsure of what the Beggar said to me. That other time I was in the store getting fried chicken. I spent 98 baht on two chicken stakes, as a single stake cost 49 baht. She returned 16 baht to me because she was a little unsettled and made an incorrect calculation. I returned 14 baht with a smile, warning her to be careful with her money. The cashier grinned and offered me two complimentary plates of nuggets. Kindness goes a long way in Thailand.

Keep Your Cool Around Girls

Many females from Pattaya have told me stories about their encounters with Indian men. Even though I am also Indian, they still told me everything as I was gentle with them. The ladies warmed up to me quickly since I was so amiable. At that point, they began to confide in me about desperate men from India. The females discussed a variety of topics, including being hunted, harassed, misbehaving, and cheap. In Pattaya, Indians are known to do terrible things to ladies, such as injuring them; one girl even went to tears after claiming an Indian had shattered her implant. As far as sensual pleasures go, many women have complained that Indian males are painful and unruly. Hurry up, everyone!

  1. Show Women Respect

The foregoing is just one example of how disrespectful Indians are towards women. It is absolutely unacceptable to be aggressive, harass them, refer to them as whores or bitches, treat them like sex machines, etc. A number of Gentlemen’s Clubs and Strip Clubs won’t even let Indians near them because of how many Indians do. The Thai people have a strong aversion to persons of Indian or brown skin, but they will eventually let you in if you dress well and act politely. Lots of places let me in without a hitch.

Put Out No Debris

A major issue has arisen! Like the Indians do, I’ve seen them just throw trash on the street instead of utilising trash cans. Those who toss may be oblivious to the scorn they receive from the Firangs and Thais. Stop acting like you’re in India and stop spitting and throwing things. Just do it in India as well!

Be respectful of Thai language and culture.

When compared to Hinduism and India, Thai culture is strikingly similar. Celebrate it! An English couple were taking in the architecture at the Sanctuary of Truth when I was there. His statement that “these are all Buddhist gods” served as a prompt for me. I gave the guy a friendly grin and explained that, no, those sculptures are actually depictions of Hindu or Indian gods. Several other visitors and locals from Thailand joined in after hearing me out. It was an honour for me to educate them about Hinduism in India and to show them how similar Thai culture is to Indian culture. While I was sipping my coffee, two Thai individuals who had overheard me spoke up and joined me, complementing my cultural background and offering me some useful information. For an Indian, what else is there to want? Therefore, always say Namaste and respect their culture and language.

Wear Proper Attire

Wear a high-quality stitched garment when you visit a foreign country; India is a major exporter of such items. You will be treated with respect according to how you look, which is why dressing nicely is considered fundamental etiquette.

Avoid Being Cheap

Avoid becoming inexpensive as a last resort. I don’t mean the standard methods of haggling that everyone uses; rather, I’m referring to situations in which one party has been paying a female 1000 baht for quite some time, and when she finally shows there, her friends want to split the bill without paying anything more. Oh, please don’t! Additionally, when negotiating with a girl, it’s important to strike a balance between being too low and too high. Ask her what she thinks the price should be, and if she refuses, you should either accept her offer or go. It’s not necessary to seem really inexpensive.

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